Transparent bitmap vray 3.6
Transparent bitmap vray 3.6

transparent bitmap vray 3.6 transparent bitmap vray 3.6

You can stick a texture into the Self-illumination slot and with a bit of creativity, uvmapping and some VRayToon tweaking, you can get some interesting results. A value of 20 seems to work well most of the time with different exposures. Untick GI, and you may need to crank up the mutliplier a bit also. You can change the colour by changing the fog colour, but I want them looking consistent in all conditions so I prefer doing it with the Self-illumination feature of it’s VRayMtl. Select your fake billboards, right-click in the viewport and select V-Ray properties from the quad menu. Since it’s “fake” objects anyways, we don’t want them causing any weirdness. While we’re at it we’ll also exclude our objects from GI. Something weird is going on, we’re not getting our expected clean seethrough objects! Not a problem, we fix this by changing our objects’ V-Ray Settings and making them invisible to refractions. Because I don’t want to bend light or obscure things behind, I’ve also made IOR 1.0. I want the people to be slightly transparent, so I added a medium grey (128,128,128) to the refraction. Our toon billboard material will almost be similar, but we’ll get the colour using a different trick. The diffuse for glass is usually black (255,255,255) and the colour is derived from the fog. Make a new material and apply it to the objects you selected in the include list for VRayToon. At this stage you’re suppose to click each object to add, or the smarter way is just to use the keyboard shortcut “H” to open the Pick Window. You may find nothing happens when you click on Add. So lets include the people and also “Hide inner edges” so we only get the outlines on the outer edges of the people. When you include objects, it will only add the effect on those included objects. When you exclude objects from VRayToon, it will add the effect on all renderable objects, except the ones you exclude. We can exclude the plane from receiving the VRayToon effect, but in a bigger scene with more objects, it makes more sense to just include the people. The outlines look ok, but it’s now also on the plane and also in and around people’s fingers, ears etc.

Transparent bitmap vray 3.6